This blog has featured articles on a range of subjects from sports, to business, to the environment, healthcare, marketing, and poetry. I thought about some different topics to write about since it has been a little while since I have shared on this blog forum, but nothing was “striking a cord” with me.
I decided that it was a good time to take a break from mergers & acquisitions coverage, or a piece on the media wars, or writing about healthcare (which are all important topics) in order to take a different approach.
I have shared on this blog a few times in the past that I host a podcast on Life Coach Radio Network twice per month titled, “Undivided”, the series just reached the two-year milestone and the episodes focus on social justice issues or wellness topics that impact people. I am hosting the 50th episode this evening on the debate over body image, which is a very big issue with people from across the demographic spectrum.
The episode is going to feature an expert in the area, Suzanne Reilley, and will be a powerful, inspiring program for those dealing with that issue in their lives. I am not an expert, but in my research, at the heart of all of it, there is a root cause just like anything else. That root cause is different in certain people or circumstances, but the common thread is similar to other emotional or psychological issues: it is the lack of someone believing in the individual and/or the lack of someone in their life to provide them with unconditional love.
The underlying fact is that we all need someone to believe in, we need someone we can look up to, and we need someone who believes in us. Many people lack the spiritual connectedness in an increasingly noisy world filled with distractions, to take the time to understand that when we do not have that person in our lives, God fills that role for us. God is always there to provide you with unconditional love and support.
Our society tends to forget that spiritual component very easily. However, anyone who has dealt with substance abuse addictions will tell you that in treatment they teach you to surrender to a higher power and acknowledge the presence of God. That void from alcohol, drugs, gambling, or addiction to working out/body image is all filled by the love of God. The presence of other people: friends, mentors, sponsors, teachers, coaches, or a relative are additional resources that are important and have their place in the process of wellness.
These other support roles do not measure up to the love and peace that come from having a connection with God. It is sadly being largely removed from our societal conversation in favor of worldly possessions and other methods which have proven to leave people still with an underlying sense of unfulfillment.
The pressures of society to look, act, or react in a certain way also confound the situation and can leave the individual eventually feeling adrift or disconnected. The long term emotional and mental anguish that this can cause is also scientifically proven to be a major issue in our society.
In addition to the need for a spiritual connection and other measures of wellness (diet, sleep, exercise) is the need for mentors. Many companies and non-profit community type groups have developed mentorship programs for young people or for young adults entering the workforce. These programs are invaluable and provide stability and support for those who do not have a family or anyone else in their life to provide it to them.
In the end, whether you are struggling with body image, substance abuse, or another type of medical disorder; we all need someone to believe in. We all need someone to believe in us. We all need to remember that those people are out there. We all need to remember that God is with us all always and that He loves us for who we are unconditionally. My hope and prayer are that fact provides comfort to those who feel lost and alone. Please turn it over to God, and let God do the rest.