In my role as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) I am focused on helping people find or create their ideal job/work environment. It is through an examination of the values you possess, the talents you have, and your identified purpose in life that this “road map” to the client’s ideal life is determined.
Many times, often, the client is unsure of some of the values they possess, they do not notice or neglect talents they have, and the client will be unclear about their purpose in life. All of this is okay, it is what the coach-client relationship was designed to help navigate. The most important distinction about personal coaching/life coaching is that the coach is not there to provide the answers. The answers are within the client, the answers lie within you, and we help you to connect with those answers to help the client achieve the objective(s) stated in our first initial session.
The aspect of work and career in the lives of people is very important to me because of the many jobs I have had in my life; and the fulfilling and unfulfilling situations I have been in relative to work. In fact, many studies by major universities have shown that fulfillment at work and fulfillment in relationships are the two most important areas for people being satisfied with their lives.
The perspective of the client toward the concept of work is also explored in the coach – client relationship. The background and understanding of all the factors that can shape the client’s approach toward working or vocation is examined in detail. This could be shaped by a parent or role model and their approach to their job or career. The examination of whether that aligns with their values and perspectives on work is a very important factor in how to help with a career transition.
The companies we work for change all the time: people get promoted, supervisors may leave for other opportunities, and colleagues may retire, resign, or be terminated from the job. It is imperative to be able to “roll” with those changes and remain flexible and open to the opportunities that will come along from a variety of external factors: job transfer, job relocation, or your company is sold to a competitor. Those events create conditions that can be viewed negatively or positively. They can be viewed as “the end” or they can be viewed as “a new beginning”.
Some clients will be unsure of their path for their career, and that is totally fine. It is important to realize that some introspective thinking and planning with a career transition coach can help with aligning the values, goals, and personal interests of the client with their ideal career. Then, it entails thinking about how they can transition to that type of career if it is a new track for them, and what skills they possess that will translate well in that scenario.
The connection to a life purpose is also critical when talking about career transition or job satisfaction. The most powerful and effective way to gain that connection to your unique life purpose is through a spiritual connection. Many coaches can help build a spiritual connection and determine ways in which the client can actively nurture that spiritual relationship in order to find their true life purpose.
It is a frequent occurrence that people get caught up in what their parents, friends, spouses, or colleagues tell them they should “do” for a career. Many people say “I want to make my parents proud” or “I want to make my husband/wife happy” so I am going to work in this job, but I am not happy in it. This is another example of how coaching can help determine ways in which you can transition into a career that you are excited and passionate about while maintaining a plan for how to handle the realities of potential financial short fall or different schedules depending on the requirements of the position.
The work – life balance piece is also a difficult component for people to manage today in the age of smart phones, texts, email, and social media. It is a blurry line between work time and personal time because so many of us are able to be reached in a matter of seconds.
Career transition coaching can help you to find balance between work and your personal time for hobbies, family, and other interests. The coach can work with you to help you to determine very concrete and actionable ways to begin to put up boundaries so that work is done and that personal time is also maintained so that you can be the most productive person possible.
If you are interested in learning more about this type of coaching or are in need of support in a career transition or job change please check out my website: