Hello World, I am here

Hello World, I am here…

Frank’s Forum is a blog created by me, Frank Maduri, based on my experiences in writing both professionally and creatively. It is also a place where I invite you to have an interactive exchange of ideas on a wide range of issues and topics.

So I am here, but who am I? I am a freelance writer and business development consultant by day and a creative writer the rest of the time. I have been writing for years and I have honed my voice, but I am still not satisfied.

I continually challenge myself with creative writing projects and business writing assignments, but I am left seeking something more. So I decided to start this blog and set about searching for answers as well as sharing my business experiences on some of these topics that I am passionate about.

I have worked in a variety of industries from pharmaceuticals, a healthcare non-profit, and a “green” products distributor. I have worked for both large and small businesses, and I find that I liked elements of each type.

I was raised and still reside in New Jersey, my family is here and I will write about my home state often. I also had the misfortune of being a victim of Hurricane Sandy recently, which also makes you take a different view of life and what is truly important.

In setting up Frank’s Forum I could not settle on just one theme because my interests and passions are too diverse and varied. Then I read other bloggers who had the same dilemma and made their own rules to address a solution.  So here are the “Super Themes” of this blog:

  1. Marketing trends
  2. Environmental / Social Issues
  3. Poetry & Creative Writing
  4. Challenges facing Non-Profits & Small Businesses
  5. Sports

I have some rules, all views have to be non-political and not disparaging to any race or group of people. If you are going to comment on my submissions it must be solution driven and positive content. My goal is to focus on the solutions rather than the problems.

It should be an exciting journey that I am ready to embark on, so for now I will leave you with an invitation to take this journey with me. I am not sure what I will find along the way but it is well worth the risk.

One Comment

  1. Good luck with your blog, particularly since our names are identical.


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